Spring Water, Fault, Body, is inspired by the journal entries of Hanae Utamura’s father, a scientist who spent his life researching nuclear energy. Performative, documentary and found footage is overlaid with the memoirs of a scientist who dreamed of peaceful use of nuclear energy during the economic growth of post-war Japan amidst the Cold War; in the aftermath of the WWII atomic bombs and prior to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident of 2011. In this feminist, intimate retelling of this history, the artist identifies the limits of scientific inquiry, the fragile links between humanity and the planet disrupted by single-minded pursuit of technological advancement and the scope of this legacy as crystalizing in a future strata created through ongoing geoscientific research in disposal of high-level radioactive waste in the deep underground.
Supported by Aomori Contemporary Art Center, Squeaky Wheel’s Workspace Residency program