Looking Back to the Future

Wa'anak Witu Watu

Natasha Tontey

2021, 24m 37s

In the films Wa’anak Witu Watu and The Epoch of Mapalucene, Natasha Tontey refers to the cosmology of the Minahasan stone revering tradition organised according to the gift economy of Mapalus, which until colonial, patriarchal influences from the West was based on volunteerism, kinship with nature and mutual aid. Minahasans creationary myth marks a departure from heteronormativity and patriarchy, and also distinctions between human/non-human as they believe that the first human was a woman who gave birth through a stone. Today their ancient spiritual beliefs have evolved into a stone-based exchange system and are informed Christian-influenced capitalist ideas, but the mythology presents what could have been an alternative society based on reciprocity, devoid of anthropocentrism.

娜塔莎.通蒂的影片〈Wa’anak Witu Watu〉以及〈馬帕盧斯紀元〉奠基於米納哈薩受到西方殖民與父權勢力影響之前,以石頭為中心的傳統文化、馬帕盧斯的禮物經濟,以及其中自願、與自然共生與互助的模式。米納哈薩人的創世傳說與異性戀本位、父權、人類/非人類區隔的思維模式相異;他們相信世上第一個人類是女性,並且透過石頭創造了其他人類。如今,米納哈薩人的古老信仰已轉化為以石頭為基礎的交易系統,也因為基督教而收到資本主義的影響。然而,神話展現了奠基於互惠、非人類中心主義的另類未來樣貌。

Acknowledgement: Other Futures, Mawale Movement, Divisi 62, and DDDBandidos Studio

Natasha Tontey: Born, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Lives and works in Yogyakarta.
娜塔莎.通蒂: 出生於印尼雅加達,現在生活和工作於日惹。